Dutch units in Russia 18012/Alexander Korolev

Обсуждение вопросов военной истории с 1789 по 1815гг.

Модераторы: Илья, Ульянов

Martijn Wink
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 08 апр 2015, 20:00
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Откуда: Hague
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Dutch units in Russia 18012/Alexander Korolev

Сообщение Martijn Wink »


I just recieved a copy of the book of Alexander Korolev titled 'the Great Retreat' covering his archeological research over this period. My main interest is the Dutch army from 1806 untill 1806 under Louis Bonaparte and I was surprised that so many buttons etc of the 1806-1810 period are found in regard to the 1812 campaign. For this reason I am looking for a way to get into contact with Alexander Korolev on this subject. Hopefully some on this forum could help me?

Gr. Martijn Wink
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Военно-историческая группа (XIX): Л-Гв. Преображенский полк
Военно-историческая группа (XVIII): Л-Гв. Преображенский полк, 1709
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Контактная информация:

Re: Dutch units in Russia 18012/Alexander Korolev

Сообщение Kirill »

Martijn Wink писал(а): 09 апр 2015, 09:19 Hello,

I just recieved a copy of the book of Alexander Korolev titled 'the Great Retreat' covering his archeological research over this period. My main interest is the Dutch army from 1806 untill 1806 under Louis Bonaparte and I was surprised that so many buttons etc of the 1806-1810 period are found in regard to the 1812 campaign. For this reason I am looking for a way to get into contact with Alexander Korolev on this subject. Hopefully some on this forum could help me?

Gr. Martijn Wink

That`s his profile. You can send him a message.
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Re: Dutch units in Russia 18012/Alexander Korolev

Сообщение ivan_ug »

Hello, Martijn
This is email of Alexander Korolev alexandr.korolev@mail.ru.
Until April 20, it will be on a business trip and could not answer. Write to him after that date.

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